Finally, exams are over!

The last night of revision for a few months…

At last, the January exam period is done! It’s safe to say, I thought it would never end but I powered through it and I finally made it through the dark tunnel of doom (aka exams and revision). Was definitely an experience having my first exams at university and not all that scary either, it was some what relaxed compared to A-levels and GCSE’s. It is so exciting to know that I am that one step further to become a qualified Biochemist! 

Hopefully I have done well, as I have definitely put my heart and soul into these exams! I was so close to ripping up my revision notes, but then I thought it would eventually come in handy again and it would be a waste of all my hard work. It feels so weird to have free time for a change, and not having to be tied down with revision or uni work. I feel like I have to quickly finish this post and crack on with some nutrition revision or something, but fortunately not.

Celebrations are definitely in order, spending time with friends and making up for lost free time over Christmas, definitely a well deserved break for us all after a long few months.

I hope everyone’s exams have gone well and that you get the results you deserve/want.

Keep working hard and remember, don’t ever give up!

Thanks for reading,

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