Well seeing as winter is finally upon us, I decided to share all my favourite things about it.
First thing on my list has got to be gingerbread lattes. For all the people that know me well, they know that I have a huge love for lattes – my signature latte is a good old vanilla latte… Nothing beats it! When winter comes around, I look forward to my seasonal latte – if you haven’t tried it, try it! Don’t like coffee? Do what my friend Jaye does… add gingerbread syrup to warm milk and enjoy.
Second favourite thing is crisp mornings, nothing beats opening the window in the early morning allowing the fresh morning breeze just blow you away and freshen up your room. You can’t go wrong, it is a natural air freshener that costs you nothing (brilliant if you’re a student on a budget!)
Rekorderlig winter cider is another excellent seasonal speciality, a cider that can be drunk hot or cold (but I would recommended hot, get that rebellious side of you out this winter!) a delicious blend of apple, cinnamon and vanilla – beautiful!
Here is a delicious winter breakfast idea for you all to try too! Take some oat and add some milk and put it in the microwave for a few minutes. Add some fresh berries, some banana slices and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon on top and eat! Something that will definitely tickle your taste buds on a duvet day!
Finally, you have probably all had this when you were ill at some point but Ribena (blackcurrant squash) and hot water, simply amazing if you have the sniffles or you’re coming down with a cold.
Its cold this season, so please wrap up warm and take care of yourselves! If you find yourselves getting ill make up this drink:
– 2 table spoons honey
– A generous few splashes of lemon juice (can be bottle or fresh)
– Add hot boiling water
-Stir it all together and drink it before going to bed, you’ll feel fresh as a baby in the morning!
What are YOUR winter favourites? Comment in the box below!